Download Microsoft Edge Beta Software For Windows and Mac
Microsoft has released a new beta version of their official browser, Microsoft Edge. It's available for both Windows and MacOS, and it's a great way to try out the latest features before others. Edge has all the standard features, including the ability to open multiple tabs at once, browsing in incognito mode, and managing bookmarks. In addition, the new version also lets you customize the user interface to your liking.
After downloading the beta version, you should see a window asking you to accept the license agreement. If you accept the license agreement, you can start using the latest version of Microsoft's browser. Once you're in, the software will install and add a repository that lets you install updates using apt. Alternatively, you can also download it from the Microsoft Edge Insider site.
The beta version of Edge also supports the latest security and privacy features. It also comes with a dark theme and supports fourteen languages. In addition, users can use the Microsoft Edge Insider Add-ons store to find extensions to use. These features can make your browsing experience much more secure, especially if you're surfing the web on a public computer.
Microsoft Edge beta users can test out new features before they're released to the public. New features and bug fixes will be included in major updates within a few weeks. However, users are advised to avoid trying these out too extensively, since they could encounter bugs.